Highly Effective for both, Machine & Hand Soldered PCBs.
Leaves No Sticky Patches and Streaks on the PCBs
Improves performance & reliability of the assembly.
Economical, can be used repeatedly for many PCBs.
Safe for almost all components.
Colour codes and prints on the components remain intact.
Removes oxidation from component leads, PCBs.
Saves lot of time.
Easy to use.
Safe for plastics and paints.
No multiple baths to be maintained.
Long shelf life.
Low evaporation losses.
Needs light brushing with a brush of your choice.
Available in 1 ltr Trial Pack & 5 ltr Economy Pack
Take a plastic (poly propylene) container having a tight lid.
Pour adequate quantity of xyloclin in the container to cover the boards.
Dip the boards in xyloclin. Cover the container properly with the lid.
Soak the boards for about twenty minutes.
Brush the boards from both sides using a hard PCB cleaning brush.
Wash the boards with little brushing under running water thoroughly.
Soak the boards in a fresh water for five minutes.
Remove the boards from water bath & dry the boards before use.
Store xyloclin in a container with a tight lid for future use. xyloclin can be reused several times. More the flux, lesser the life of xyloclin.
Replace used xyloclin with a fresh xyloclin if you don't get the desired results.
If you feel that any particular, delicate component may not withstand dipping in xyloclin, test the component independently with xyloclin else remove the component before cleaning.