About Us

Welcome to CellSonic Medical

The CellSonic VIPP machine is a new branch of medicine that kills infection and triggers tissue regeneration. The origins of the technology go back forty years to removing kidney stones by shattering them with sound waves and this was the first ever non-invasive surgery. Since then the technology has been developed with new applications discovered. Drugs are not used so there are no side effects. VIPP is Very Intense Pressure Pulses which are fast bangs made by flashing high voltages across an electrode in a reflector containing water in a shock head. Gel is placed between the shock head and the patient with their body being largely water and the resultant pressure wave travels through the body without harming healthy cells and damages unhealthy cells.

Cellsonic Rules of Medicine


There must be:

  • No side effects.
  • No risk to the doctors and nurses.
  • No risk to the environment.
CellSonic VIPP meets all three requirements for all its applications from wounds to cancer. Contrast this with drugs; all have side effects and disposal can cause contamination. Anti-bacterial resistance is rising. Use CellSonic VIPP to kill infection instead of drugs. If an inexperienced CellSonic VIPP operator aims at healthy cells in the body instead of the target site, there is no harm done. If a patient is given the wrong dose of drugs it could be fatal.


The only cost that matters is the cost of cure and in every application with CellSonic VIPP it has the lowest cost. This is achieved by involving a doctor or nurse less than other methods. The patient is less disrupted and the hospital used less.


CellSonic VIPP has the quickest cure and often the only cure. In many cases, CellSonic VIPP is the only cure for cancer and succeeds in two to three weeks. To cause the islets on the pancreas to generate insulin can take three months and is still the only cure for diabetes. Non-healing wounds are healed with CellSonic VIPP. Large wounds that have been open for years are made to heal in a few weeks to a few months. CellSonic VIPP is the only cure for gangrene.


It takes five minutes to learn how to use the CellSonic VIPP machine. The operator can be shown where to aim the shock head and the programming of the machine stops it when the required number of pulses has been delivered. The wide beam of the pulse makes it easy to aim at the target. If pulses are off target, they do no harm.


Distributors receive training. They teach their customers and in turn experienced users teach newcomers. Everyone knows everyone else so that CellSonic is more of a family than a company.

History of VIPP

To Learn More about the science of focussed and radial shockwave therapy CLICK HERE