Of all medical problems, having difficulty getting and holding an erection can be the most embarrassing of all and men are much more reluctant to talk about personal problems than women so that makes it more difficult to give help. The penis is unique. Nothing else like it is found elsewhere in a man and not at all in a woman. The erection happens by blood filling the cells of the penis like air expanding a balloon. If the passage ways for the blood are blocked or broken the blood cannot get in and the penis stays limp.
You must see a doctor and tell him or her everything. The problem you have is not unusual. If the diagnosis is that there is an obstruction in the penis, treatments with the CellSonic VIPP Medical machine can help and most likely cure the problem. The CellSonic VIPP Medical generates sudden bursts of sound that are pressure pulses that shoot forward and can break up a calcification or plaque. It also tells the body's immune system to repair damaged veins and arteries with angiogenesis which is the growth of new blood vessels. All this is done without drugs or anaesthetic so there are no side effects.
You, the patient, know your penis and may have a good idea where the problem is. If it is in one place then at that place the protocol is to shoot 300 pulses at energy level one, the lowest setting, with a shock head focussed at 5 mm. This is especially designed for this purpose. If there are other areas in the penis where the blockages may be they too can be given pulses to a maximum of 1500 over all the penis at one time. The pulses are 4 a second so it only takes a few minutes.
The easiest way to perform the operation is for the patient to stand and do the treatment himself. Let him feel what a VIPP pulse is by hitting his finger with one or two pulses and it will hurt so he knows this is a capable physical effect. The only nerves in the penis are on the end. Along the shaft of the penis are no nerves so no pain will be felt. Let the patient hold the shock head in one hand and his penis in the other. The doctor will supervise. Apply ultrasound gel between the penis and the membrane of the shockhead so that the pulses are conducted through into the penis. After the first few pulses it will be obvious how easy and painless is the treatment. The machine can be set to stop after 300 shocks so there is no risk of doing too many. Let the pulses hit the suspected area from all sides; keep the shock head moving, not fixed on one spot. We have found that the patient will prefer this way of doing the treatment. Be sure to also aim at the root of the penis where it adjoins the body.
The treatment should be repeated once a week for nine weeks. New cells will be growing and continue to do so for up to a year after treatment so the condition will continually improve. No drugs are required. Exercise a lot, never smoke, try not to drink alcohol and never take narcotic drugs.
Energy level 1
Shock head 5 mm (the infinity head has also been
used successfully)
Number of shocks 300 to each site, maximum 1500 on
all the penis in one treatment.
Number of treatments 9 at weekly intervals
Peyronie's Disease is often known as bent knob and is a development of plaque in the penis which makes erection difficult and painful and intercourse unsatisfactory and maybe impossible. It is not a sexual disease and is not infectious. There has never been an acceptable cure and the best that has been achieved is surgery to straighten the bend. The use of a scalpel on the penis and the fact that the pain can persist has left most sufferers prepared to try to tolerate their condition.
In the last few years a cure has been found by treating the plaque with pressure pulses. The CellSonic VIPP machine sends from 500 to 1000 pulses into the penis and no anaesthetic is needed. The whole procedure takes less than ten minutes and the patient does it himself supervised by the doctor. There are no side effects.
Studies have shown that over 80% of patients treated have been freed from pain. Sometimes a second treatment a few weeks later is useful to bring about a complete cure.
The cause of the disease is uncertain and cannot be blamed on diet, sexual activity be it too much or too little, exercise, smoking or anything else that could be called wrong. After being cured by the CellSonic, a man will be no more likely to get a recurrence of the disease than another man who has never had it. It would seem to be a rare disease and the true amount of suffering is unknown presumably because men are too embarrassed to talk about it and even if they are and are then told that they must have surgery they will then stop talking for sure and suffer in silence. That pitiful situation can now end. All it takes is ten minutes CellSonic treatment.